Todd Jobbitt
- 직위(직급)
- Professor, HUFS TESOL
- 학위
- M.A. in Education, SIT - Graduate Institute
- 이메일
소 개
- From Sacramento, California (USA), Todd has spent nearly twelve years teaching EFL and TESOL related coursesrelated to K-12, undergraduate and graduate students in Korea. Within the Graduate School of Education at HUFS, Todd typically teaches Listening Practice, English Writing, and Culture, while teaching 4 Skills, TESOL Methodology, Young Learners TESOL Methodology, Young Learners Storytelling, and Young Learners Listening and Speakingin HUFS TESOL Certificate Programs. Todd's teaching and research interests include writing, phrasal verbs use and production for young learners, andwriting primer books for young learners.
주요 학력
- M.A. in Education, SIT - Graduate Institute