Andrew Prosser
- 직위(직급)
- Professor, HUFS TESOL
- 학위
- M.Ed. in TESOL and Educational Technology, University of Manchester
- 이메일
소 개
- Andrew works as an Assistant Professor in the Department of English Education at Hankuk University of Foreign Studies. In the HUFS TESOL Certificate Programs, Andrew teaches 4 Skills, Culture, and Materials Development courses. Andrew's qualifications include a Masters degree in Educational Technology and TESOL from the University of Manchester, as well as a Licentiate Diploma from Trinity College, London. He is also a qualified Cambridge CELTA teacher trainer. Andrew's research interests include integrating synchronous computer chat tools in language teaching, developing learning management system platforms, and building and exploiting electronic corpora in the classroom.
주요 학력
- M.Ed. in TESOL and Educational Technology, University of Manchester