해당학교 제시기준 - 매 학기마다 협약 체결(변동 가능성), 최소 15명 지원 시 개설 가능
LA 근교인 평화롭고 아름다운 도시 샌버나디노에 위치한 캘리포니아 주립대학 샌버나디노 캠퍼스에서 현지 학교 방문과 티칭 실습에 많은 시간을 할애한 실용적인 인턴십 프로그램-캘리포니아 주립대학, 샌버나디노 인턴십!
I. TESOL Training Program Description
California State University, San Bernardino’s Intensive TESOL Training Program is designed to promote excellence in education and to develop the expertise of those involved in teaching English as a second or foreign language and to help them foster effective communication in diverse settings while respecting individuals’ language rights. It promotes sound, research-based education practices that increase awareness of the strengths and needs of English Language Learners. It offers teachers an opportunity to observe the application of best practices American classrooms and learn from experts in the field of English as a second/foreign language teaching.
A. Program Objectives and Design
The Program’s objectives have three major components that provide:
i. Teaching methods and techniques based on sound theoretical foundations;
ii. Practical applications in American schools;
iii. Improvement of English language proficiency for its participants to assure their ability to conduct classes in English;
These objectives will be achieved through the following activities:
A. Seminars: will provide a functional and hands-on approach for effective teaching.
Participants will learn:
1. practical applications for classroom teaching based on the latest advances in theory and practice of second language education and methodology from some of the field’s leading research scholars and practitioners;
2. to apply the most effective methods in their teaching practices;
3. to apply skills in student-centered teaching to promote cooperative and collaborative learning;
4. to improve listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills for more effective presentation of class content;
5. to have first-hand experience with American culture and be able to convey this to their students;
6. to learn about teaching methods used in American schools, such as Read 180, System 44, and Step up to Writing and be able to incorporate these methods into their daily practice;
7. to practice academic vocabulary with non-native as well as native speakers of English, and therefore increase confidence levels for teaching ESL/EFL in the target language.
B. Practical Applications will be carried out through seven major activities:
1. Sessions on methods and techniques used in American schools: Sessions will be conducted by CSUSB faculty and expert local school teachers on content that participants will observe when they visit the local schools. The content covered includes:
a. Read 180: An individually tailored, computer-assisted program for improving student reading levels by increasing their lexiles will be taught at a school laboratory.
b. Step up to Writing: a color-coded method that is used to teach students the basics of writing, including topic sentences, examples, details, and conclusions.
c. System 44: a computer program that helps teachers to differentiate instruction, implement successful techniques for working with at-risk students, and enrich and extend vocabulary across the curriculum.
2. Sessions on student-centered instruction: Effective teaching cannot occur unless the students are paying attention, motivated to participate, and interested in the subject matter to get students to work cooperatively and still be able to cover one’s syllabus. These sessions will emphasize techniques that can be used to help create autonomous, self-directed learners, who can work independently or in groups without disrupting the class.
3. School visits: Participants will have the opportunity to observe the application of ESL teaching methodologies at local K-12 schools. Each school will have a lead teacher who is responsible for overseeing the participants’ visits at the school. Each day, when participants return to the university from their school visits, we will have debriefing sessions to discuss the techniques that they observed that day.
II. Training Facility and the Surrounding Area
Seminars and classes will be held at California State University, San Bernardino, located in a picturesque setting at the foothills of the San Bernardino Mountains and the San Bernardino National Forest. Participants will have access to all university facilities, which include state-of-the-art computer labs, library, classrooms, and recreational facilities.
III. Schedule Summary
The program schedule consists of:
• 55 instructional hours with English language instructors
• 4 half days of observations in CSUSB’s Intensive English Language Program
• 4 full days of observations in local K-12 classrooms
• Opening ceremony
• Closing ceremony
• Certificates of completion
• CSUSB’s College of Extended and Global Education official transcripts
※ Please note that the schedule is subject to modifications depending on school and instructor availability.